Get Licenses for the Hotels and Restaurants — Aparajitha


Mandatory Licenses and Regulations for Your Hotel/Restaurant Business

It’s imperative for you to get all the mandatory industrial licenses and permissions to avoid your business from getting tangled in legalities.

Before knowing the list of Industrial Licenses applicable to the Hotel Industry, let us see the associations that govern the Hotel Industry in India:

  • The Federation of Hotels and Restaurants Association of India (FHRAI)
  • The Hotel and Restaurant Association of Eastern India (HRAEI)
  • The Hotel and Restaurant Association of Northern India (HRANI)
  • South India Hotels and Restaurant Association (SIHRA)
  • The Hotels and Restaurant Association Western India (HRAWI)
  • Hotel Association of India (HAI)

Licenses for Hotels/Restaurants:

  1. FSSAI License: Ensuring food safety and quality standards.
  2. Liquor or Bar License: Permitting the sale of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Health/Trade License: Sanctioning hygiene and safety standards.
  4. Eating House License: Authorizing food service within the establishment.
  5. Licenses under the Shop and Establishment Act: Governing work conditions and employment terms.
  6. Approval under the Catering Establishments Act: Regulating food services provided to events.
  7. GST Registrations and Approvals: Complying with tax obligations.
  8. NOC from the Fire Department: Ensuring fire safety measures.
  9. Approvals/License under the Contract Labour Act: Managing temporary labor workforce.
  10. Approvals/Licenses under the Provident Fund Act: Facilitating employee welfare.
  11. Approvals/Licenses under the ESI Act: Ensuring employee health benefits.
  12. Lift Clearance Approvals: Meeting elevator safety standards.
  13. Music Clearance Permissions: Playing copyrighted music in the establishment.
  14. Certificate of Environmental Clearance: Upholding eco-friendly practices.
  15. Signage Licenses: Displaying commercial signage.
  16. Entertainment License on Festival Moments: Hosting special events and entertainment.
  17. License for a Chimney under the Smoke Nuisance Act: Ensuring pollution control.
  18. Registration under the Weights & Measures Act: Accurate measurement practices.
  19. License for Bakery Products: Producing bakery goods.
  20. Registration & Permits under the Motor Vehicle Act for Tourist Coaches / Taxis: Operating transport services.

Besides the above, there are many more specific licenses and regulations that apply based on individual business structures and locations.

Unlike other industries, the Hospitality Industry requires multiple approvals and licenses from local to Central Governments, which could run from the police to labour laws and also from tax liabilities to environment clearance, depending upon the size and amplitude of the business.

Keep reading to learn more!


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